(Reuters) Polymetal International, Petropavlovsk, Raven Property Group, and Roman Abramovich’s Evraz will be removed from all FTSE’s indexes in this month’s review.
The move happens amid growing sanctions against Russia, even as many brokers gave a wide berth to the trading of the companies’ shares. The halt of the shares trading by brokers caused a fall in the market liquidity.
FTSE Russel says it made the decision after obtaining feedback from its External Advisory Committee and other market players.
Polymetal and Evraz were already on course to exit FTSE 100 and enter FTSE 250 during the March review. They would be replaced by Standard Life Private Equity Trust and NB Private Equity Partners.POLY is up +12.54%, POG is up +13.45, RAV is down -4.64%, EVR is up +0.68%