ExxonMobil Implements Carbonate Fuel Cell Technology in Rotterdam

ExxonMobil Corp. announced its plans on Monday to construct a plant utilizing carbonate fuel cell (CFC) technology at its Rotterdam Manufacturing Complex in the Netherlands. The company has collaborated with U.S. firm FuelCell Energy Inc. to develop this innovative solution for capturing carbon emissions in an industrial setting.

With the capability of capturing CO2 emissions from industrial sources before they are released into the atmosphere, carbonate fuel cells offer a notable advantage. Alongside capturing CO2, these cells also generate low carbon power, heat, and hydrogen as valuable co-products. This technology marks a significant step forward in ExxonMobil’s commitment to low carbon solutions.

The pilot plant, located in Rotterdam, aims to gather crucial data on the performance and operability of CFC technology, while also addressing potential technical challenges that may arise in a commercial environment. The insights gained from this pilot project will aid in understanding the costs associated with installing and operating a CFC plant for carbon capture.

Pending a successful demonstration, ExxonMobil envisions the commercialization of this technology not only within its manufacturing facilities but also at other industrial sites worldwide. Moreover, this initiative will assist customers in reducing their emissions.

The captured CO2 will be transported and stored through the Porthos project in Rotterdam. This partnership includes Air Liquide, Air Products, Shell, and ExxonMobil, with the aim of permanently storing CO2 beneath the North Sea.

This groundbreaking endeavor showcases ExxonMobil’s dedication to advancing sustainable practices and play a vital role in addressing climate change challenges.

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