(RetractionWatch) Shares of Cassava Sciences Inc. rose more than 28% on Tuesday after the Journal of Neuroscience said it finds no evidence of manipulation of data for its experimental drug simulfilam.
The Neuroscience Journal says it examined the images of the original and uncropped Western bots without finding evidence of manipulation.
The Journal’s response refutes allegations made by a law firm Labaton Sucharow that represented Cassava’s short sellers that questioned the integrity and quality of its trial data for the Alzheimer treatment drug.
Neuroscience findings also faulted a report by the Wall Street Journal in November that said that Cassava was under the SEC radar for manipulating data for the experimental drug.
The Journal’s views have now attracted mixed reactions. Elisabeth Bik, who raised concerns on Cassava’s data linking images to two published papers, questioned Neuroscience’s editorial note.
SAVA: NASDAQ is currently up +14.69%.