
Bear Market

This article covers all the important things you need to know about a bearish financial market. Bearish markets are what you get when a certain financial market navigates through an…

Blue Chips

In layman terminology, such stock is basically one that comes from a reputed organization. These stocks (usually) fork out dividends, and their history is very positive and reliable. A blue-chip…

Day Trading

The terminology, day trading, is essentially a reference to the practice of selling off and buying certain security within one whole day of trading. Although it can happen in any…

Pre-Market Trading

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  • Post category:Glossary
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  • Post last modified:November 11, 2020

Pre-market trading is essentially the trading activity period that happens prior to the session of the regular market. Pre-market trading sessions generally take place between 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. EST every trading…


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  • Post category:Glossary
  • Post comments:0 Comments
  • Post last modified:November 6, 2020

This article delves into all the useful information pertaining to an Initial Public Offering. Let’s start with the basic definition of what really is an IPO.  An IPO (initial public…


ADR (American depositary receipt) are essentially stock assets that individuals do trading in the exchange platforms in the country. However, they are also representations of stock shares in an overseas…

Understanding Volatility?

If you wish to find a way to gauge the dispersion of your returns for an index statistically, volatility is the answer.  In simpler terms, volatility is measurable as variance,…

What is Liquidity?

Whenever you are looking for a way to easily convert your current assets and securities into hard cash in the market without hurting your financial standing and reputation in the…